Dear Martin Author Interview

Interview with Dear Martin author Nic Stone
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Nice Stone’s novel Dear Martin has been banned in some school districts in the United States. The author, Nic Stone, discussed the novel with MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, and share her thoughts about why some people have such averse reactions to it.

The Interview

The interview is a conversation between Alie Velshi and Nic Stone, the author of a banned book, Dear Martin. The author, who is a parent herself, believes that the book is banned because people are afraid of exposing their children to real-life issues that are already present in the world. Dear Martin is about a 17-year-old black kid’s encounter with a white police officer, racially-motivated violence, and the negative view of black kids often portrayed in the media. The book also includes letters that the main character writes to Martin Luther King Jr as a form of journaling and a way to reclaim MLK’s legacy.


  1. What inspired Nick Stone to write the book Dear Martin?
  2. Why do some people consider the book banned?
  3. What is Nick Stone’s perspective on why Dear Martin is banned?
  4. Why does Nick Stone believe that it is important for children to know about the information in the book?
  5. What is the significance of the scene between Justice and the white police officer in the beginning of the book?
  6. Why do you think some people find the scene between Justice and the white police officer hard to read?
  7. Why do you think some people might be afraid of allowing their children to read Dear Martin?
  8. Why did Nick Stone have Justice’s letters addressed to Martin Luther King Jr.?
  9. What role did Nick Stone’s background in psychology play in writing the book?
  10. How does Nick Stone view the perception of Martin Luther King Jr. today compared to how he was perceived during the Civil Rights Movement?

For more lesson plan ideas, check out these 10.

And for discussion questions related to Dear Martin, here are 17 to get started.

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