7 More Dear Martin Lesson Plans

More Dear Martin Lesson Plan Ideas
| | 2 Comments| 10:07 pm

Here are 7 more lesson plan ideas for Dear Martin by Nic Stone:

1. Racial Bias and Microaggressions

Students can explore the theme of racial bias and microaggressions in the book and how it affects Justyce and his friends. They can also discuss the impact of these experiences on their lives and the lives of others.

You could also start by watching this Ted Talk about microaggressions and how to eliminate them.

2. Social Justice

Students can discuss the idea of social justice and what it means to them. They can also explore how Justyce and other characters in Dear Martin work towards justice and how they can work towards it in their own lives.

3. Critical Thinking and Discussions

Students can engage in critical thinking discussions about the book and the themes it presents. They can also share their thoughts and perspectives on the issues discussed in Dear Martin and how they relate to current events.

4. Writing to Advocate

Students can write letters or speeches to advocate for social justice issues they care about. They can be inspired by Justyce’s letters to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and use these as a model for their own writing.

5. Understanding Privilege

Students can explore the concept of privilege and how it affects Justyce and his friends. They can also discuss the ways in which privilege can shape their own experiences and those of others.

6. Film Analysis

Students can watch the film adaptation of Dear Martin and analyze the differences and similarities between the film and the book. They can also discuss how the film portrays the themes and issues in the book.

7. Book Club

Students can form a book club to discuss Dear Martin and other books that explore similar themes and issues. They can engage in discussions and debates about the books and their perspectives on the issues they explore.

For more Dear Martin lesson plan ideas, check out these 10.

2 thoughts on “7 More Dear Martin Lesson Plans”

  1. Thanks for the great lesson plan ideas. I’m really looking forward to teaching Dear Martin in a few weeks.

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